Monday, June 29, 2009

รถมอเตอร์ไซค์ honda c

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รถมอเตอร์ไซค์ honda c

มารู้จัก Honda C “คลาสสิก” กันเถอะ
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ขอถามเรื่องรถมอเตอร์ไซค์HONDA C-70
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ขอถามเรื่องรถมอเตอร์ไซค์HONDA C-70
ขอถามเรื่องรถมอเตอร์ไซค์HONDA C-70. << < (3/6) > >>. Wasin: กระแสรถเก่ามาแรงเหมือนกันครับ ... รถรุ่นนี้ที่บ้านผมเคยมีครับ เคยมีคนมาถามหลายรายแต่ไม่เคยขาย ...;wap2

ขายรถมอเตอร์ไซค์ HONDA C 102
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รูป honda c70 งามๆค่ะ
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WheelSecondHand :: เวบ ซื้อ ขาย ล้อแม็ก มือสอง ยาง รถยนต์ รถแต่ง ...
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โฆษณาขายฟรี - ขายมอเตอร์ไซค์ ฮอนด้า c-92
ขายฮอนด้าc-92รถคลาสสิค สีขาว มีทะเบียน พร้อมโอน ราคา50000 ... ค้นหา มอเตอร์ไซค์ฮอนด้าคลาสสิค ขายมอเตอร์ไซค์คลาสสิค มอเตอร์ไซค์C ขายมอเตอร์ไซค์ ... ชุมชนออนไลน์ของชาวอุดร อุดรธานี - ทำความรู้จัก Honda C
ทำความรู้จัก Honda C, พิมพ์ · อีเมล์. Image. รถมอเตอร์ไซค์ยี่ห้อฮอนด้า ... รถมอเตอร์ไซค์ยี่ห้อฮอนด้า ซี เริ่มเข้ามาขายในเมืองไทยตั้งแต่ปี 1958-1959 ...

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Answering a Reader Question #50

Queen of the Night "Miss Nova" Wrote: Is this for women only?

Hello! Miss Nova's question (for those of you that aren't sure what she is asking about) is in regards to my post about how to become a JET Magazine Beauty of the Week. To answer your question, Miss Nova, yes, the JET Magazine Beauty of the Week is only for female models. I believe they have projects dealing with male models but that is different than Beauty of the Week.

African American Hairstyles & Modeling

I decided to do a quick post to address female models of color in regards to hairstyles and the modeling industry. There are no hard and fast rules but there are some things I want to point out that you as an aspiring or established model should keep in mind as you pursue your modeling career.

Black hair is unique and can't be treated like any other. There are various styles and ways women of color wear their hair and in modeling it all depends on what you feel most comfortable with. As far as I know there aren't any strict rules as to hairstyle preferences according to the different types of modeling. But what I think is most important is sporting a style that you feel represents you. Never try to alter your hair dramatically to fit a look that may not suit you. As I've pointed out in past posts, if an agency falls in love with you as you are, then chances are you don't have to change a thing.

I've seen models of color sport different styles in all types of modeling. I've seen Afros in commercial/print ads as well as on the catwalk. I've seen chemically straightened hair in just about every type of modeling and certain braided hairstyles, so I wouldn't be quick to say that only certain types of hairstyles and hair types belong in certain fields of modeling. When it comes to braided hair I would suggest keeping it as well groomed as possible--no fuzzies! It will also help to have photos of your hair without the braids, just so your agency can see the difference. They may like the braids or they may like your natural style but if you love your braided hair be sure you can commit to it long term and will be diligent about the maintenance.

It also depends on what your agent thinks is the best look for marketing you to clients. So don't feel as if your hair needs to meet any certain requirement. What it should be at all times is healthy, shiny, and well groomed.

One concern I've heard from aspiring models is in regards to the topic of chemically straightened or "relaxed" hair. For those of you that aren't familiar with such things, many women of color choose to use chemical relaxers to straighten curly, wavy hair. However, this process introduces many harsh chemicals that can be damaging to the hair. Those that don't want to put such stress on their hair turn to flat ironing or pressing their hair. This involves the use of heated styling tools (such as flat irons and hot combs) to make curly or wavy hair straight. My best advice is to use caution when toying with the idea of relaxing your hair. If flat ironing works just fine for you, then I don't see the need to make the switch, especially if you've never put chemicals on your hair before. There is always the risk of a disastrous outcome, which can include severe burns to your scalp and loss of hair. Unless you've been relaxing your hair for a long time (like myself), your tresses may not take too kindly to the process. I've heard horror stories from women that have tried the relaxer route. Some even had relaxers in the past but still had terrible results.

Definitely exercise caution and know that if you plan on putting a relaxer in your hair, you'll need to be prepared to give your hair care routine a boost and extra TLC. The chemicals in relaxers can cause the hair to be dry and brittle. To counteract this common side effect, it is vital to deep condition your hair at least once a week and try to limit the use of styling tools. It's never a good idea to put heat on your hair on a daily basis anyway so avoid it as much as possible. When trying a relaxer for the first time, go to a professional hair stylist that has experience doing relaxers. Make sure to do a test strand first--never go ahead and put a relaxer in your hair without making sure there isn't a negative reaction. Fixing a small section of hair is a lot easier than doing damage control for your entire head.

In the end it is up to you to decide what you think would be best for your hair but take it from me, when it comes to black hair, stick to what you know. As the saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Saturday, June 27, 2009

MotoGp 2009: Assen "laurea" Valentino Rossi che tocca quota 100 vittorie

Valentino Rossi ha scritto oggi, in Olanda, un altro capitolo della propria straordinaria carriera, divenendo il secondo pilota nella storia ad aver toccato quota 100 GP vinti. Tredici anni dopo la sua prima vittoria in 125, l'italiano ha realizzato pole position, giro veloce e vittoria di fronte al folto pubblico di Assen. Si tratta del suo 40esimo successo da quando, nel 2004, gareggia per Yamaha. Secondo è arrivato Lorenzo, terzo Stoner, in preda ai crampi allo stomaco sul podio. Giornata noper la Honda HRC:sono caduti sia Pedrosa sia Dovizioso.

Dal canto suo, Jorge Lorenzo ha conquistato il secondo posto, raggiungendo anch'egli un traguardo importante: si tratta del cinquantesimo podio della sua carriera. Come Rossi, il pilota di Maiorca è finito sul podio in tutte le gare della stagione, eccetto una.

Il "Dottore" è partito benissimo, scattando dalla pole e transitando secondo al termine del primo giro. Poco dopo ha superato Stoner e ha conquistato la leadership, che non ha più ceduto fino alla fine. Con una M1 e gomme Bridgestone perfette, il suo passo, in gara, si è rivelato persino migliore di quello tenuto nelle prove. Nell'ultima parte della gara ha aumentato a poco a poco il proprio vantaggio su Lorenzo e colto uno storico successo.

Nel giro d’onore, Rossi e i componenti del suo fan club hanno srotolato un banner di 25 metri che riportava immagini di ciascuna delle 100 vittorie, coprendo una carriera iniziata quando Rossi aveva 17 anni.

Con Stoner al terzo posto, la classifica generale è comunque strettissima: Rossi conduce con 131 punti, Lorenzo è secondo a 126 e Stoner li tallona a 122. Ora la carovana del Motomondiale si trasferisce in California, a Laguna Seca, dove, tra una settimana, si terrà l'ottavo appuntamento della stagione.

Questo l'ordine di arrivo:
1. Valentino ROSSI ITA YAMAHA 42'14.611
2. Jorge LORENZO SPA YAMAHA 42'19.979
3. Casey STONER AUS DUCATI 42'37.724
4. Colin EDWARDS USA YAMAHA 42'43.725
5. Chris VERMEULEN AUS SUZUKI 42'48.216
6. James TOSELAND GBR YAMAHA 42'53.958
7. Randy DE PUNIET FRA HONDA 42'54.154
8. Nicky HAYDEN USA DUCATI 42'54.434
9. Loris CAPIROSSI ITA SUZUKI 42'55.284
10. Alex DE ANGELIS RSM HONDA 43'00.621
11. Marco MELANDRI ITA KAWASAKI 43'12.388
12. Toni ELIAS SPA HONDA 43'14.385
13. Sete GIBERNAU SPA DUCATI 43'19.977
14. Niccolo CANEPA ITA DUCATI 43'24.508
15. Yuki TAKAHASHI JPN HONDA 43'24.541
16. Gabor TALMACSI HUN HONDA 43'39.710 17.

Non Classificati
Mika KALLIO FIN DUCATI 41'14.211
Andrea DOVIZIOSO ITA HONDA 16'24.548


รถมอเตอร์ไซค์ KSR

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Friday, June 26, 2009

motorcycle salvage

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MotoGp: ad Assen pole di Valentino Rossi, poi Pedrosa e Lorenzo

Valentino Rossi suYamaha Fiat partirà dalla pole position al TT di Assen (in Olanda), settimo appuntamento stagionale del Motomondiale, classe MotoGp.

Quarto questa mattina nella seconda sessione di prove libere, il campione di Tavullia ha ottenuto la sua seconda pole stagionale chiudendo la sessione di qualifiche ufficiali con il tempo di 1'36"025, precedendo i due spagnoli Daniel Pedrosa (Honda Repsol) e Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha Fiat), rispettivamente secondo e terzo a completare la prima fila della griglia di partenza. Quarto tempo, poi, per l'australiano Casey Stoner (Ducati), quinto tempo per lo statunitense Colin Edwards (Yamaha Tech3), sesto tempo per Loris Capirossi (Suzuki), settimo tempo per l'australiano Chris Vermeulen (Suzuki) e ottavo tempo per Andrea Dovizioso (Honda Repsol).

Solo quattordicesimo tempo, poi, per Marco Melandri (Kawasaki), finito immediatamente alle spalle dello statunitense Nicky Hayden, questa mattina settimo nelle libere e apparentemente più a suo agio su Ducati, ma poi nelle qualifiche solo tredicesimo. Ha invece chiuso al diciassettesimo posto Niccolò Canepa (Ducati Pramac). La classifica iridata è guidata dal trio Rossi-Lorenzo-Stoner con 106 punti.

Ecco i tempi delle qualifiche:

01- Valentino Rossi - Fiat Yamaha Team - Yamaha YZR M1 - 1′36.025
02- Dani Pedrosa - Repsol Honda Team - Honda RC212V - + 0.085
03- Jorge Lorenzo - Fiat Yamaha Team - Yamaha YZR M1- + 0.368
04- Casey Stoner - Ducati Marlboro Team - Ducati Desmosedici GP9 - + 0.608
05- Colin Edwards - Monster Yamaha Tech 3 - Yamaha YZR M1 - + 0.735
06- Loris Capirossi - Rizla Suzuki MotoGP - Suzuki GSV-R - + 0.928
07- Chris Vermeulen - Rizla Suzuki MotoGP - Suzuki GSV-R - + 1.169
08- Andrea Dovizioso - Repsol Honda Team - Honda RC212V - + 1.212
09- James Toseland - Monster Yamaha Tech 3 - Yamaha YZR M1 - + 1.298
10- Randy De Puniet - LCR Honda MotoGP - Honda RC212V - + 1.448
11- Alex De Angelis - San Carlo Honda Gresini - Honda RC212V - + 1.612
12- Mika Kallio - Pramac Racing - Ducati Desmosedici GP9 - + 1.724
13- Nicky Hayden - Ducati Marlboro Team - Ducati Desmosedici GP9 - + 1.734
14- Marco Melandri - Hayate Racing Team - Kawasaki ZX-RR - + 1.923
15- Toni Elias - San Carlo Honda Gresini - Honda RC212V - + 2.111
16- Sete Gibernau - Grupo Francisco Hernando - Ducati Desmosedici GP9 - + 2.428
17- Niccolò Canepa - Pramac Racing - Ducati Desmosedici GP9 - + 2.580
18- Yuki Takahashi - Scot Racing Team - Honda RC21V - + 2.594
19- Gabor Talmacsi - Scot Racing Team - Honda RC212V - + 3.382


Pic of the week with a tattoo side note

When I woke up this morning, it was beautiful outside. Instead of just putting my dog out on the leash, I went outside with him. The grass was still wet with dew, and the sun was shining. The sunshine cascading on this dew laden cobweb caught my eye like a shiny coin would on black tar. The spider was in the middle. It was a classic picture of nature and it's beauty. It was one of those simpler things in life that make you realize how beautiful nature can be. I quickly got my camera to captured the moment.

Then I got to thinking.
I love cobwebs. They are really pretty, as long as you aren't walking through one. They also look pretty cool, and signify a sort of toughness. I've even got an old cobweb tattoo on my right shoulder. It's got a Black Widow in the center.

I remember thinking that I always thought that those cobwebs on the elbows looked pretty cool. When I got that tattoo I seriously pondered getting one one my elbow instead of my shoulder.
But I chose not to because I wanted all my tattoos to be able to be covered up by short sleeves for business purposes if I ever got a job where it really mattered.

Here is a picture of a dude with the classic elbow cobweb.
Pretty cool.
I had always heard that it had a meaning, but never knew what it was.
The power of the internet revealed to me that typically, the cobweb on someone's elbow signifies that they have been, or still are in prison. An extension or thread is added for each year they spend in the joint.

Funny, I never knew that until now.
I guess we all learn things as we go.

I'm glad that I know now. I'm also glad that I didn't choose an elbow cobweb design for a tattoo back then, not knowing what I know now. Boy would I have looked like a dumb ass at 19 with a tattoo signifying I spent five years in the Pen. That would have meant I was 14 Yrs. old when I started my hardened prison life. LOL!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I always feel like somebody's watching me...

Sometimes when I sit at my desk, clickity clackity clacking away at the keyboard typing this drivel that you sometimes come to read, I get the distinct feeling like I'm being watched.
Kinda like somebody or something is lurking over my shoulder, ready to pounce at any given minute.

Must just be paranoia.

yamaha r1 - Motorcycle, รถมอเตอร์ไซค์

รถมอเตอร์ไซค์ Motorcycle
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Yamaha R1
9 นาที - 31 ส.ค. 2006 -
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yamaha R1 TURBO!
4 นาที 14 วินาที - 2 ก.ย. 2006 -
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2009 Yamaha YZF-R1
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รถมอเตอร์ไซค์ Motorcycle

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La MotoGp sbarca ad Assen

Al via, da domani giovedì 25 giugno 2009, l’attesa 3 giorni sul TT Circuit di Assen per il MotoGp d’Olanda 2009. Pronti a darsi battaglia sul leggendario tracciato un Rossi in grande spolvero dopo le magie di Catalunya, un Lorenzo stufo di far la parte del pivello, e uno Stoner che sogna di bissare il trionfo travolgente dello scorso anno.

Pochi circuiti, come quello di Assen, hanno il pregio di essere amati dalla maggior parte dei piloti della MotoGp. Da Valentino, a Stoner, passando per Lorenzo, tutti i protagonisti attesi del prossimo week.end olandese dimostrano un notevole appeal verso questo tracciato che ha mantenuto intatto il suo fascino nonostante le discusse modifiche del 2006.

Tra gli outsider, occhio al possibile acuto di Dani Pedrosa (che poi tanto outsider non è!); qualora fosse in buone condizioni fisiche, lo spagnolo è sicuramente tra i migliori interpreti dei cordoli olandesi (secondo posto lo scorso anno). Esattamente come Colin Edwards che qui al TT potrebbe regalarci uno dei suoi famosi exploit che quest’anno -a dire il vero- latitano un po’.

Attesi ad Assen anche Dovizioso e Hayden. Il primo, per interrompere la maledizione del quarto posto e guadagnare finalmente il podio. Il secondo per sconfiggere la Maledizione Rossa e chiudere il conto col GP d’Olanda dove lo scorso anno si giocò il terzo posto (in favore di Edwards) finendo la benzina a pochi metri dall’arrivo.

Tracciato spettacolare quello di Assen (nonostante i recenti interventi del 2006 lo abbiano parzialmente “addomesticato”), in grado di esaltare le doti del pilota grazie alla possibilità di “personalizzare” le traiettorie, e al grande grip dell’asfalto che regge bene anche in condizioni di bagnato (ipotesi, questa, assai frequente a queste latitudini).

Lungo i 4,555 Km del percorso, piuttosto stretto, si incontrano 11 curve a sinistra e 6 a destra, molto variegate, con curvoni veloci da 3°/4° marcia e repentini cambi di direzione; il rettilineo principale misura 970 metri.

Tra le difficoltà maggiori del circuito, soprattutto una: vietato commettere errori! Ogni sbavatura o imperfezione in prossimità di una curva finisce col trascinarsi anche sulle successive, senza possibilità di recuperare. Le curve di Assen, quindi, non perdonano: si sbaglia a caro prezzo, perdendo decimi preziosi nel tempo sul giro. Per conoscere meglio il TT, ecco uno splendido video con telecamera on-board. A seguire, orari e programmazione TV MotoGp Assen 2009

ORARI E PROGRAMMAZIONE TV MotoGp d’Olanda 2009 Circuito di Assen


  • Ore 13:55, MotoGp FP1


  • Ore 09:55, MotoGp FP2


  • Ore 09:40, MotoGp Warm-up

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Plus Size is More Than Being Larger Than Your Average Model

For some reason I'm noticing that many aspiring models that want to be plus size feel they can do so simply because they are larger in size and measurements. And that bothers me because it's a notion that isn't accurate. While I have posted about this topic a couple of times throughout my blog I think it will be helpful to do an updated post to discuss why there is more to plus size modeling than simply being "bigger."

In order to be taken seriously as a plus size model, you'll want agency representation. While not all modeling agencies have a plus size division, there are a good number that do so trying to break into this field of modeling isn't impossible but it is important to realize the reality of what the requirements are and if you really do fulfill them. I think it's easy for a larger woman to think she can be a plus size model because she wears plus size clothing. But it's more than that. So much more.

Put it this way: plus size models are required to meet a lot of the same requirements as regular fashion models except the measurements and sizes are significantly larger. It's common knowledge that plus size models are required to be larger than your average size 0 or size 2 fashion/runway model. But it doesn't end there. If you are a pleasantly plump woman and think you can make it as a plus size model in the industry you're going to have to be able to answer "yes" to ALL of the following questions:

1) Are you 5'8" or taller?
2) Are you between the sizes 10-18?
3) Do you have strong features and good bone structure (high cheekbones for example)?
4) Are your bust, waist, and hip measurements within at least 10 inches of each other (for example: 42-32-42)?
4) Do you have good skin, great hair, a great smile, and a toned body, which includes nicely shaped legs and good arms?

If you answered "no" to any or all of these questions, then pursuing plus size modeling (through an agency) is going to be extremely difficult. Freelance is always an option but if you want to really get into the industry and have an agency behind you, then you'll have to fulfill these requirements. Sadly there is no room or demand for shorter, plus size models. Plus size models are required to still have a high fashion or great commercial look, as well as maintain a proportional figure. While they may be larger than the average model, plus size models are still required to be healthy and have a lot of pressure put on them to maintain their size. Look up plus size models online. You'll see that many of them have great legs, a very attractive face, and definite curves defining their bust, waist, and hips (look at the first image associated with this post for example. The model on the right of the Plus Model Magazine cover is definitely a plus size gal but she's got a great figure--a good bust, defined waist, and full hips). Of course there are many plus size models that don't fall within the requirements I'm referring to but I'm strictly talking about industry standards here. This is what the industry wants and it's a mold you'll have to fit into. If you don't or are way off base of what the requirements are seeking, then you can expect to face some challenges in starting a plus size career through an agency. But don't give up. Try freelance modeling and see what doors that may open for you.

Here are some links that all those interested in plus size modeling should check out:

My point in making this post is to provide a constructive reality check. I do my best to not sugar coat anything and I never feel good about telling someone that I don't believe they have the right look or the requirements to pursue professional modeling--but I also don't like seeing people pursue something that I know may not be for them. And that's how I feel many young ladies go about plus size modeling. Being big can be beautiful and I look up to many plus size models--I think they are some of the most stunningly beautiful women alive--BUT I don't want aspiring plus size models to think that just because they don't fit into a size 2 or 4 that it automatically puts them into the plus size modeling division. It takes more than a larger dress size to get into this part of the industry and the sooner people realize that, the better it will be for them in the long run. We all have dreams but as we all know the modeling industry doesn't have room to make all of them come true. Harsh as it is, it's a reality that can't be denied.

I'm back in the saddle again.

Kenny sitting on the ground ready to roll (Like it should be).

By 10:30 last night Kenny was released from his time out on the trailer and was breathing thunder again.

After disassembly, checking everything I could possibly check, it turned out that all that was wrong was the connections were getting loose and corroded. Not like battery acid green corroded, but like black shit between the connectors at the battery post corroded. Really only the positive side, but I sanded both clean, and got good tight contact. This is all it took.

Thanks for well wishes, and advise. I know I can count on many of you who gave me advise if I ever need it in the future. Maybe I'll save myself some more money by doing some other maintenance myself from here on out.

I've always done my own body work and paint, and do just about any home building project, but have never ventured deeply into mechanics. I've learned something here. I can do some things like this myself, I can save some serious ching doing so, and I've got friends out there willing to lend good advise.


Valentino Rossi vs Jorge Lorenzo

Ecco il video degli ultimi 3 giri del Gran Premio di Catalunya MotoGP 2009 con la fantastica telecronaca di Guido Meda e Loris Reggiani

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bad motorcycle! Go to your trailer!

On Saturday from 10:30 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon, I spent power washing my deck, in preparation to sand and re-stain. It was actually a lot of work. I rewarded myself with a trip to the liquor store, bought a case of beer, and came home. Savored a beer, and decided I should also reward myself with a nice long bike ride. So off I went. I rode for a good while, letting the stresses of the day blow off of me in the wind on a nice long winding back road that I like to ride. I stopped for gas, got on the bike, turned the key, and nothing. No lights, no click, no starter, no nothing. This is a good way to ruin a ride. I've had problems with the starter a bit before when it's hot, but always seems to work on a second try. This was not the starter. Like I said, no nothing, not even a click. I checked my battery terminal connections, etc., and all were tight. I got ahold of my mechanic via cell phone, and explained the situation. He said, he's seen this happen 3-4 times on Sportys in the last 10 years. He said it sounds like my positive cable has a short. He said if I can find the pigtail coming off of it and isolate it, I might be able to bypass and jump it. Me not being a mechanic, which is why I called him in the first place, really did not understand exactly what he was saying. I caught him with almost no battery life left on his cell phone so he could not talk long either. He was out, so cell was his only way to talk. I said I've got no tools with me to do squat. I was lucky to use my key to get the back screw off to get my seat off to access the cables. I believe the next thing I heard was "Hmmm, Your fucked. Get a tow, or a trailer."

So begins Kenny's punishment. He Shall be banished to a trailer for not starting. I called my wife, (God, I hate when I have to do that), who does not drive with a trailer, and kindly asked her to pick me up. She couldn't get the heavy trailer out of the shed and hooked up so I'd have to backtrack. She drove all the way out to where I was and picked me up. I drove home with her, then drove back with the trailer and picked up the bike and headed home again. It was dark by the time I finally arrived back home with Kenny in tow on my trailer. I had a beer, showered, and hit the sack. It was a long shitty day.

Update. Yesterday morning, I was up bright and early. I'm up to my elbows doing surgery on Kenny, when My wife finds me in the garage working, and say's "I thought you were going to help me today." (I did say I would). We had lot's of things to do for preparation for going to her sister's house for Father's day.

Prior to my wife reminding me that I had other commitments, I was able to test the battery. It had 12.53 volts, so the battery was clearly not the problem. My mechanic, Stormy might just be right on this one . The battery is now out of the bike. This was the last I've done on it.
Kenny's still in solitary confinement on his trailer.
Naughty bike.

If any of you gear heads have any ideas on why he is misbehaving, I'll gladly take advise. I am for once, going to try to fix this one on my own. I do still have to check the positive cable though. That won't happen till tonight (maybe).

Sunday, June 21, 2009

fino ราคาศูนย์

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

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stockers motorcycle salvage

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Answering a Reader Question #49

Adriana Marcela Wrote:

Dania, you are a pretty and intelligent young woman. Both qualifications are difficult to find together these days!..

Congratulations! and I wish you the best in your career. I came by your blog while looking for ideas to design a composite for each of my kids (5 and 6). Your advice was very helpful. Thanks!

You writing is excellent and shows that a good education have you in the right path for success... Never give up...

What do you think was the best thing you received in the education from your parents that helped you focus on what-you-were-good for and what-you-like in life?

Hi, Adriana! Thank you so much for your compliments...I am very flattered and glad that I could offer you some advice. I am guessing your children are in the industry as well or are about to become involved?

As for your question, that is a very interesting one that I would love to answer! Let's see...I think the best education I got from my parents in terms of helping me focus on what I was good for and what I wanted in life was the fact that I was taught a different lesson from each. My parents are so different and their viewpoints played a large role in my life. My father has always been supportive of anything I've done. He knows me so well that when he recognizes that I am passionate about something then chances are it's serious if I've allowed it to capture and maintain my attention. However, with the modeling and acting field he is more of a realist and even pessimistic at times. In the beginning I felt bad that he didn't seem to take much interest in what I was doing. But he always told me to have a backup never put all my eggs in one basket and that as long as I got a college education, I could have the best of both worlds. Now that I am older I realized that his lesson--while negative to me at the time--prepared me to pursue the industry with a clear head. I knew that as much as I loved modeling, it wasn't exactly a career that was synonymous with longevity or prosperity. The industry was highly competitive and I couldn't go into it with only stars in my eyes. This motivated me to pursue my college education while modeling, which led me to pursue another passion: journalism and broadcasting. I learned from my father that while it's good for me to go for what interests me, it's important to make sure that I am still able to take care of myself in case that first attempt should fail--and that I'm not a failure because things didn't work out. He taught me to appreciate the opportunities I have but to not be so caught up with modeling that I missed out on other opportunities.

On the flip side my mother has always been my cheerleader. She loves the fact that I model and is the one who I can turn to and talk about all the shoots I've done, share pictures, and other things I feel my father wouldn't be as interested in hearing about. She has shown me unconditional support, which gave me the confidence and strength to pursue the industry. Her unwavering support and motivation perfectly balanced my father's stern point of view about my modeling. While my father was always cautioning me, my mother was always pushing me to make the most of the opportunities that came my way.

I was lucky because I didn't have "stage parents," nor did I have a parent that outright told me I wouldn't make it (even though my father wasn't gung-ho about me modeling he always silently offered me his support). Each of my parents gave me a different viewpoint but above all they taught me one common lesson: do what makes you happy but make sure you go about it the right way. They kept me very grounded and I think that played a huge role in allowing me the freedom to go after what I was interested in. This life lesson is one that I like to pass on to aspiring models. I like to say that it's okay to reach for the stars--just make sure that should you fall, you have a soft cloud to land on.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Altre ragazze ombrelline... stavolta con le mutandine (forse)

Eccola qui, a grande richiesta, una nuova gallery di paddock girls dal Gran Premio di Spagna della MotoGP.

Tattoo Zone

O.K.; This is just plain fuckin funny!

My wife (who is tattoo-less) e-mailed this to me.
Hey if we can't laugh at ourselves, then what fun is life?

I've got Tattoos in the Green "Socially acceptable rebellious zone", in the Dark Green "Warning 67% chance of dragons, wings, or equivalent faggy lameness zone", and on my chest, which is not mentioned here.

I know I've got to have some internet pals out there with tats in "OTHER" places, and it's all good.

So, pony up; Where are yours?