Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Quick Tips for Fittings and Go-Sees

For those of you that are hoping to be fashion models, there are certain things that are helpful to know before actually being in the situation itself. When it comes to go-sees and fittings, knowing little tips and tricks can make a difference between getting the gig and missing out.

When you go in for fittings for various designers, you are trying on multiple garments, and each piece is precious to the creator. The last thing you want to do is ruin the material in any way. As you get to know them, you’ll find that most designers have their own quirky or picky requests when it comes to models wearing their clothes. But if you’re prepared ahead of time, you can save yourself a lot of trouble.

When going to any fitting or go-see, avoid wearing fragrance of any kind. That means no perfume, cologne (for the fellas), body spray, fragrant body lotion—nothing. That also includes leaving out the deodorant. Yeah, that may sound pretty gross but honestly, fragrances can leave its scent long after you’ve changed out of the clothes and deodorant can easily leave white marks and streaks on the material. Don’t believe the hype about invisible solid deodorants—when it comes to fittings, leave it alone.

Just those two factors can mess up your chances of working with the designer. You may not be the only person to wear the garments and designers want their clothes to smell exactly the way it was before you got into it.

Of course if you don’t wear deodorant, chances are you’ll get sweat onto the material. What’s a model to do? One secret many fashion models use is to bring a box of tissue with them to the fitting and stick the tissue under their armpits as they try on the clothes. This trick also helps if you have the tendency to sweat a lot.

So remember: when you start going to important fittings and go-sees, keep yourself free of all fragrances and scents but still be sure you smell fresh. You don’t want to be smelly during the fitting either.

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