Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Few New Things On Here...

Okay, so I finally took the time to figure out some features and other things I could add to my blog to make things easier for my readers out there. As you'll see, on the right-hand side of the page is a Google search box. You can search for anything either on Google or on my blog. So if you are looking for a post I've written about "casting calls" or "agencies" (for example) just type it into the search box and it'll show all my past posts that contain those keywords. It's a really great way for you to find more posts that you may not have read yet. So hopefully that helps.

The other features and links are just there to help me make some extra change on the side using Google AdSense if any of you are familiar with it. I don't know if anyone would actually click on any of the links but I tried to pick stuff that related to this site...not sure how accurate Google is going to keep it though...I guess we'll see. :) I put up a shopping cart link that I believe is near the bottom of the right-hand side of the page, after the paragraph telling more about me. I chose body care, hair and skin care and some other online goodies that I thought people visiting this blog may want to check out.

Any feedback, good or bad, is definitely appreciated so feel free to shoot me an email or IM me on Yahoo Messenger. Remember, if you have any questions or want me to do a post on a certain topic, emailing me is the best way to communicate instead of putting it in the comments section.

So that's the update on me. Working on a couple new things and I'll be sure to have some new posts up soon.

Dania Denise

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